Vidifi news

Incentive policies for Vidifi's investment projects

A. Corporate income tax incentives (CIT)

1. Preferential tax rate of 10% for 15 years, applied to:

- High technology by the law; scientific research and technology development

- Waterworks investment, construction, and development

- Software manufacturing

2. Incentives in exemption time and tax reduction:


3. Time to apply the tax rate and tax exemption on the projects listed in Section 1.1 and 1.2 above as follows:

4. Tax reduction for other cases:

B. Free of import duties for imported goods used to create fixed assets for the project, including:

C. VAT exemption:


D. Land rent incentives:

  1. Projects using the land to build apartment houses for workers and infrastructure system (areas such as: public land and constructions of roads, drainage, trees, water processing stations, sport and cultural areas)

  2. Investment projects in industrial areas (unlisted in the investment incentives catalogue) are free of land rent in 07 years started from the date at which construction is completed and the project’s operation is started.


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